Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Does Electricity Work

Well, electricity is a form of energy produced by the motion of electrons. What a complicated definition for the person that is reading this blog right now and whose knowledge about electricity is really lower than the knowledge of the person who has created this blog. But don't feel offended! Every one might be a genius in one topic like SCIENCE, but really ignorant in another one like electricity.But every one learns something new every day and today you'll learn trully how electricity works if you pay specific attention to the information that will be exposed in this blog about electricity!

To begin with, an element is a substance that cannot be broken down or transformed into another thing by a chemical method. Some examples of elements are oxygen, water, and metal

(if you want to know more about the elements go to this link: http://www.chemicool.com/). In an element, there are a very small part in them named atoms. You could relate an atom to a particle if you compared the element to the whole world (I'm not saying that an atom is a particle, I'm just trying to compare it to a particle in some way because they're both small).

An atom is composed of 3 parts-protons, electrons, and neutrons.

A proton is positively charged. An electron is is negatively charged. And a neutron is are particles that are electrically neutral meaning that they don't have much change in their electric charging. Try comparing this to a car battery (the black cable is negative and the red cable positive electricity, and I don't know where to compare the neutron to the car battery).

Monday, March 22, 2010

plate tectonics

I think I can demonstrate my knowledge of the plate-tectonic theory because I can explain all the laws and theories of the plate tectonic theory well.

The plate-tectonic theory is composed of many ideas.

Purpose of theory:
-may explain the continental drift
-may explain earthquakes and volcanoes
-may explain landforms

First, there's 4 layers in the earth: The Crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core.

First the Inner core ,which is the last layer, is a ball that is made out of solid metal. It's really hot in there. Since it's so hot, you should be asking yourself why. Well, it is solid because since there's so much pressure from the layers in top of it, the metal particles of that core can't spread out at all (maybe really, really little motion). So since the metal particles can't move, it's a solid.

Next, it's the outer core. This core it's made out of liquid metal. The only main purpose of this core is that it produces a magnetic field.

After this layer, the next one is the mantle, which is the thickest layer. This layer is made out of magma and convection currents. The magma is produced there because there's so much heat there and because there's not as much pressure from the layers because there's only one layer in top of it. This heat also makes the convection currents in the mantle. First on the bottom of the mantle is hotter than the top of the mantle, so the magma in the bottom will be less dense than the one in the top. But according to the particle theory, less dense things go on top. So since the magma in the bottom of the mantle is less dense, it will try to go up. When it goes up, it will cool down because is not as hot in the top. So that magma when it cools down will go down and then it will get heat up again and go up again and so that is how that convection currents are created.

Next is the crust, which is the last and the smallest layer of the earth. This layer is made out of rocks, continents, and plates.

You should be asking yourself how do scientists know this topic about layers? Well, because scientists hit in the ground some waves of energy named seismic waves. This types of waves can cross the whole inside of the world. When some of this waves crossed the world's inside, they hit something in the earth while crossing it, then came back out in another place. Scientists studied this well and they came up with the solution of the earth layers.

Explaination of continental drift(continental drift means when continents are moving):
First, plates have ridges (one big crack) and the two sides move to opposite directions.Why do plates move? Because in the mantle, like I said before, it has convection currents that makes force the plate. And since there's a crack in a plate, it will move those 2 sides of the crack apart. And when the cracks are moving, the plate is moving.

That happens at mid-atlantic ridge. There's a plate there. That plate moves to the left. When it moves to the left, it also moves the continent America. On the right of America, there's a hot spot. Hot Spots don't move. So when the plate with the continent moves, it will crash with that hot spot. The hot spot is denser than the plate that is moving. So the hot spot will sink in the plate and turn into magma in the mantle. But don't think that the earth is sinking because the plate in the mid atlantic ridge is expanding (making more land).

This might support the idea of Pangea.
There's a lot of evidenceof the pangea idea.

Some evidence are:
The fossils found in south america and africa
The puzzle look the continents have
The laws of the plate tectonics theory
The Climate
The Landform locations
The Mid-Atlantic ridge having a shape of the continents

Another recent evidence was that rocks that are closer to the mid atlantic ridge are younger than the rocks found closer to America's right side and Europe/Africa's left side. This type of rocks are ignous rocks(magma rocks). The explanation for this is that there's a volcano inside the Mid-Atlantic Ridge so when the volcano threw magma(and turned into rock), the rock fell in the sea floor and was pushed to the side far away by the water. Then the volcano threw more magma rock and was moved by the water, but not as faraway as the other ignious rock was. How do we know this? Because when ships were drilling in the ocean for oil, examples of rocks were found in the drill and then scientists started to study those rocks and then they came up with that idea.

Well, going back to the plates topic, there's 3 types of boundaries when plates are moving.
They are:
Transform boundary
Converging boundary
Diverging boundary

A diverging boundary is when the plate's ridge seperates, forced by the conjection currents.

A converging boundary is when the two sides of the plate's ridge hits and crashes. This might cause earthquakes.

A transform boundary is when 2 plates scracth side to side.
Subduction occurs here because they're scratching both plates side to side. When they scratch(because they're not smooth and really flat), both plates might get stuck, but then the pressure from the conjection currents pushes those plates to not be stuck anymore. But when the pressure moves them, they quake and this causes an earthquake.

This ideas and laws I've exposed in this blog unite and form the plate-tectonic theory.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Conference Update

I've learned:
- Laws and theories(laws explain what happens and theories explain why happens it happens).
-Weathering, Erotion, and Gas
-How to conduct a scientific investigation (we have made lots of investigation projects).
-How does weather work
-How earth works- layers, a mountain ranges, etc.
-Types of minerals and rocks
-Eartquakes and Volcanoes
-How science works (this is a topic that we have talked about the whole year).

We have made lots of group projects.
Some have been like Air pollution project and 2nd quarter research question project.

I like this class because we don't get homework everyday, we get to use the computers, and we actually get to do real thinking.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Chile earthquake and tsunami Summary

Today I learned many things about the earthquake and tsunemi that hit Chile. First, the earthquake in Chile occured at 1:34 a.m. The earth quake hit close to a Chile city named Concepsion and the capital, Santiago. The earthquake lasted for 90 seconds in Santiago!! Sadly, the earthquake at least killed 214 people. Some people say that this was caused because Chile is located Close to the Ring of Fire.

Later 24 hours before that, there was a tsunami warning in Hawaii and Alaska warning because weatherologists predicted a tsunami that was going to hit Hawaii, but some how it turned to the South and it hitted Chile after the terrifying earthquake. Other countries like hawaii and japan received a minor strike (I got this paragraph's info by a TV program that I saw the day after the Chile earthquake and tsunami).