Thursday, April 29, 2010


Her's some Jokes I made, but if you think of some post them in the comment section

What did a non-english speaking waffle say to an elephant when the elephant asked the waffle if it could pass him a fork at the dinner table?
A: the waffle said "W.A.F.L.E." (waffle means "What A' Fak Lazy Elephant!")
What's the similarity between Mr.Kruse and a wine?
A: They both whine/wine.
What did Kailey say to a lost particle asking for help?
A: "Your Mom!!!!"

What's the 1/2 life of 8?
A: Numbers don't have lifes!!!!1

Why did mothernature punished a scare-of- heights guys?
A: because he said " I don't like to FALL"

What did a shoe tell to another shoe when that shoe sneezed?
A: He said "What shoe?" because the other shoe sneezed "A SHOEEE!!!"

What's the favorite hobby of a squirrel that has no tail and wants a tail transplant?
A: It's hobby is to read TALES.
What's the favorite sport of cuts, bleedings, and burns?
A: To jump HURTles (hurdles)!!!
What does a snitch clock do to get gossip? A: It WATCHes everything

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